Who Is Jesus?

The message at the heart of Christianity is pretty simple. Watch this three-minute video to find out what it's all about.

Each term, we run a series called Simply Christianity. It takes everyone through the Gospel of Luke, looking at who Jesus is, while giving you an opportunity to ask all the questions you have about Christianity.

Simply Christianity will run again in Term 3. Keep an eye out for our Taste & See event in Term 2!

If you would like to know more, you can contact Tim Goldsmith at tim@oechurch.org.au

Would you like to know more about Jesus?

What do we believe?

  • That the Bible as originally given is the divinely inspired Word of God which reveals God clearly. It is the supreme authority, and can be relied upon fully, in all matters of faith and conduct today.

  • That God is the sovereign creator. He is one and yet three persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, living and interrelating in perfect unity forever.

  • That all people are by nature sinful, rebellious and dead towards God. They are therefore guilty before God and, apart from his grace, stand condemned to hell.

  • That God in his love sent his Son Jesus Christ. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, Mary. He is human, yet without sin.

  • That God’s chosen people are redeemed from the penalty and power of sin only by Christ’s single, perfect sacrificial death which was sufficient for all people. He willingly acted as our representative and substitute before God. Our redemption is not by works but by God’s unmerited grace.

  • That Jesus Christ rose from the dead in bodily form and ascended to heaven and is seated with all authority at the right hand of the Father as the one true mediator between God and people.

  • That by God’s mercy, his Holy Spirit brings about spiritual rebirth in his people by granting the individual sinner repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ through God’s word.

  • That the Holy Spirit indwells and works in believers to empower them to live godly lives, to give gifts for the ministry of the church, to inspire love for one another and to bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • That according to his promise, Jesus will return personally and visibly for the final judgment of all people. Those who are his will be rescued from his wrath and raised to be with him forever. This is the Christian’s great hope and confidence.